Gallery - Aircraft_proto_grey_7
why why ussr russia is always copycat from america helicopter with machine gun, radar, camera,,
View ArticleGallery - AirlinersNetPhotoID031291
2 planes left plane is a father of bush,, right plane is a son of bush,,like father/like son,,
View ArticleGallery - An225_800
copycat ussr russia is ALWAYS COPYCAT from america space shuttle on the 747 plane,,,russia is a big ASSSSSHOLE country, low-life, too much copy from america idea,,,
View ArticleGallery - lguc4
concorde concorde plane is so pretty plane and nice fly,,,so sad concorde plane was crash down on ground,,,no more fly plane again,,,ohh well,,,
View ArticleGallery - mi24_fly1
ugly ussr russia helicopter is a so ugly design and look alike ANT,,,america is the best making STINGER missile,,,stinger missile can hit and kill russia helicopter crash down in afghantian country,,,
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